name Brenda Jean Gilmour cv counterpart barbara gordon nickname B, Bren, Brenner, Bj date of birth & age June 20, 1987 & 31 hometown & current residence boston, ma & Oakland, CA occupation field agent @ the Commission on Superhuman Activities relationship status single lines

 Brenda Jean Gilmour was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts to Theodore and Roberta Gilmour. The two had longed for a child for years and when she finally came, she was soon followed by another one, a little boy named Theo. Their family was pretty normal for the first 10 years. Parents were affectionate and attentive, they loved each other and their kids dearly, they had the picket fence, the perfect house until Theodore lost his job at MIT. Things got a bit more grim after that, the family had to move out of their home into an apartment, the parents fought constantly and Theodore started drinking too much.

When Brenda was 13, she called home to get picked up from a friend's house. The sleepover started to go badly when her friend began asking why Brenda was so poor now and that she heard her father had sex with students to get kicked out. Her father was driving but her mother came with because she knew he had been drinking and was worried, leaving Theo in the care of their neighbor. The three got into a car accident. Theodore and Roberta died, leaving Brenda temporarily paralyzed from the waist down after a bad lower spine injury.

After their parent's death, Brenda was taken to Boston and moved in with her father's brother, her Uncle Jim. Theo, who was nearly 12 at the time, blamed Brenda for their parent's death and requested to move to Arizona, where Theodore's mother resided. The two didn't speak for years. Her uncle was a police detective with the Boston PD and her aunt became a stay at home to help their new charge. Brenda was angry, and didn't make it easy on her family, but they persevered and the three became very close knit. She started to get feeling back into her legs a few months after the accident and it wasn't until she was 16 when she was finally able to walk without crutches. Whilst confined to a chair, Brenda began learning a lot about computers and really set her sights on getting good grades. She graduated high school at 16, top of her class, getting an early acceptance into MIT.

Once she was back on her feet, Brenda felt like she had a new lease at life. She decided she no longer wanted to live with any regret and began working harder in everything she did. She began taking martial arts classes as well as committed herself towards her academics. She was majored in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for a year, working closely with her father's ex colleagues. She left the school after her first year, stating her father's legacy was too distracting. Brenda switched to Harvard continuing with Computer Sciences. She finished in three years.

After graduating, Brenda applied for jobs and internships but as she made her way through the interviews and received a position, she decided that she didn't want to work, she wanted to travel and be an idiot for a while. So, she went back to school for a a few more years to get her Ph.D, waiting for her trust fund to kick in. In 2010, she left school and began to travel, beginning in London, where a friend was living at the time, making her way through the European countries. In Spain she met an Australian man and fell hard and fast. So hard that she agreed to move to Australia with him. After a month, she hated the constant lounging and sunbathing and because she only had a tourist visa, she couldn't work. Idle hands and all that. So she began working with people in her forums, hacking for pay, online espionage (she called it), which helped with money for a while and kept her busy. She broke up with the boyfriend after nearly a year with him, after finding him in bed with her closest friend in the country. It was then that she decided it was time to go home.

When Brenda got home in early 2012, she had a hard time finding a job, employers didn't like seeing such a large gap on her resume, but she worked through it and found an entry level position working for a friend of her uncle's in the IT department. She was there for a year until a friend found her a mid level position with a bigger company. In 2015, Brenda began experiencing odd headaches, memories of another person and began getting much better at computers than she initially had been. Early 2016, she moved out of Boston to California with a boyfriend at the time. They moved to Silicon Valley where her boyfriend began working for a start up and Brenda joined him as head of development. It didn't take long for the two of them to realize that working together wasn't a good way for the two of them to keep a healthy relationship. After they broke up, she found a job with Girls Who Code, an organization that was very near and dear to her heart, and a year and a half later, she's the Senior Manager of Curriculum leading a team of people toward developing future educational programs that encourages girls to explore their interest in computer science.

Two years later after leaving Boston behind she's excited and confused to see all of her East Coast friends showing up in the city. But it's normal... right?
comic ties

  • same initials

  • both had an accident take their ability to walk

  • both live with their a jim (uncle/dad) who is also a police man

  • close with batfamily

  • trivia
  • >Brenda is a fun loving type of girl, she's happy and tries to stay positive no matter what happens.

  • Has a fairly strict "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" policy when it comes to people she doesn't know well, but if you're a good friend if hers she's probably going to take the piss regularly.

  • she's not really a fan of her name and prefers to be called Bren, Brenner or even BJ over Brenda.

  • spends far too much of her time tinkering on computers, at home but the rest she tries to stay active. she's trained in martial arts, loves boxing and lives for yoga.

  • Loves to cook and try new things. She also has a blog that she regularly neglects.

  • lived in Australia for nearly a year in 2010 and has been all over europe and some of Asia. She loves to travel and explore new places domestically and international.

  • biography comic verse facts + family code